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Artigos sobre Amazofuturismo

What is Amazofuturism?

What is Amazofuturism?

por | nov 29, 2023

Amazofuturism is a sub-genre of science fiction that imagines the indigenous peoples of the Amazon biome with futuristic and innovative technologies. Therefore, Amazofuturism has its own rich aesthetic that mixes the fauna and flora of the Amazon, as well as the diverse indigenous cultures, with advanced technologies.

For a literary work to be considered Amazofuturist, it is suggested that it meets five requirements called the Five Pillars of Amazofuturism.

– FIRST PILLAR. The indigenous people, ethnic group or people represented, whether real or fictional, must be from the Amazon jungle.

– SECOND PILLAR. The indigenous technology must be innovative and unique, avoiding technologies that already exist, which would disfigure science fiction.

– THIRD PILLAR. Technological advances must be in harmony with the environment, as well as local indigenous cultures.

– FOURTH PILLAR. The stories must be told from the point of view of the indigenous characters, who become the protagonists of their own lives.

– FIFTH PILLAR. Amazofuturism is not about people, but about all forms of life in the Amazon biome.

To learn more about this new genre of science fiction, check out the Amazofuturism book series by Brazilian author Rogério Pietro.

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